The sources
The first push contains the branch "asm" which is a version for ARM systems only. If you want to try it on your system, please note the following:
The screen resolution is hardcoded in QQuickItem and in alphablender.S.
The screen needs to be in 32-bit mode ( fbset -depth 32)
More branches with more generic support will follow soon.
So, instead of complaining that it is not working for you , or that it looks bad , go fork it and make pull requests. The whole idea with releasing this as a opensource project is to make it a community project. More details about how it is built up will be posted here in next week.
This work is funded by FLIR to investigate the possibilities of running a rich UI on simple devices with high performance.
The reference hardware is Freescale i.MX7, but is also tested on much smaller hardware with ARM9 cores.
If you find this effort interesting , have suggestions, want to certify it for your hardware, please tell me: , Prevas